Getting ready for the morning briefing in Inverness
We again cycled through fantastic scenery which, once the first few towns were behind us, became increasingly remote. Anyone doing LeJog unsupported would need to be confident in their ability, their bike and their emergency repair skills for this end of the trip. Interestingly while mobile reception and wifi has often been tricky in more populated areas both seem to be fine up here with nothing around us but countryside!
After lunch the weather went from cold to cold and wet, something we're used to by now. The trick is to just keep turning the pedals and stop every few miles for flapjack, biscuits or fruit jellies.
The upside of a slightly longer ride today (73 miles) is that we have a shorter ride to the finnishing post tomorrow and get a head start on the rest of the group. The plan is that all 26 riders will regroup 7 miles out from John O'Groats and finnish the ride together. Forecast for toworrow is for better weather, so all being well it will be a pleasant last days riding.
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